The environmental candidate for the presidency also intends to “restore” and “strengthen” the ISF.
The environmental candidate for the presidential Yannick Jadot said on Tuesday that he wanted to put a “bonus / malus” system on “all taxation”, from VAT to wealth tax (ISF) which he intends to “restore” and ” to strenghten”.
“This bonus / malus side, I will put it on all taxation, we will do it on inheritance, on corporate tax, on VAT”, he indicated on France Inter.
“Everything that does us good will be taxed less, what harms us will be taxed more – on companies, heritage, as on VAT”, he explained, referring to his wish to “lower the VAT on organic, on what is repairable rather than on (products with) planned obsolescence”.
Climate ISF
Asked about a possible return of the ISF if he was elect, he consider that having abolish it as Emmanuel Macron did at the start of his five-year term had been “a political fault”. So “we restore it and we strengthen it”.
This “climatic” ISF will relate to “the richest 1%, therefore from a heritage of 2 million euros”, “will be progressive” and “will have a return of 20 billion euros”, which is “extremely interesting”. And there again, “beyond the necessary solidarity of the richest, there is the idea of a bonus/penalty on the more or less ecological character of people’s heritage”, he detailed: “the richer people emit a lot more CO2 and it is normal to tax them” more.
The environmentalist candidate has set out some of his other proposals, in particular establishing a “citizen’s income to eradicate extreme poverty” and “putting the hardship account back at the heart of a major pension reform”.
Citizen income and 32 hours
In terms of working time, he noted that “already many companies” are working 32 hours a week, with productivity “not dropping” while “people are living better”. This duration of working time can be “annualized, over ten years, over the week… We must leave social and economic actors the ability to organize themselves”, he estimated.
In terms of security and justice, he promises “an additional billion euros in justice over the five-year period outside prison”, and a “major programming law” to give police and gendarmes “the means to work – and s “We need more staff, we will put more staff”.